Sunday, September 7, 2008

iKnit, youKnit, weKnit

another trip out for the huggers, along with the old lady (strangely re-branded as Smith and Coates these days), her egg cosies and new range of childrens' clothes. all made from felted (ie. shrunk in a hot wash) adult jumpers with embellishments lovingly hand crocheted and stitched.

our trip was made possible by the 'knitting guru' Fiona Bailey (in green above - yes, it's really her) she of knit and caboodle and the beautifully produced book 'Simply Knit....Hats', who kindly invited us to join her.

lots of lovely knitting on display - as the term iknit might suggest, we especially loved seeing so much british wool in evidence - John Arvon and Herdy being our particular favourites. Herdy are championing the much neglected Herdwick sheep and making modern, beautifully designed textiles, mugs and cards. what a relief. have a look -

next up Queen's Park Day - sunday 14th september.....come on sunshine.

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